Curragh Mine Thickener Tank, Australia

Applied treatment: DuoGuard™ Hybrid Anode™ Corrosion Control System

Number of Anodes: 12000 (DuoGuard 175&350)

Monitoring System: CPT Monitoring System

Project Length: January – April 2011

Client  : Wesfarmers Resources

Treatment Applied: DuoGuard™ Hybrid Anode™ Corrosion Control System

Duoguard Australia Products used

  • DuoGuard™Hybrid Anode™D175 & D350
  • DuoCrete SD Mortar
  • MN15 Reference Electrodes

An 85m diameter x 3m high mine thickener tank situated in the Bowen Basin West of Mackay North Queensland was suffering from severe chloride attack resulting in corrosion to reinforcing steel due to periodic exposure to salt water. The Launder wall of the 30 year old Tank was extensively delaminated and on further inspection isolated areas of the lower wall and launder soffit showed deterioration requiring corrosion control.

A DuoGuard™Hybrid Anode™Corrosion Control System was applied to provide a long term solution to the corrosion problem.

DuoGuardTM Hybrid AnodeTM DuoGuard D350 hybrid anodes were installed to the perimeter of the tank. Completing the corrosion control system the Launder wall was rebuilt using a dry spray gunite application.

You can see the end result below, which shows a successful finish on the spillway wall.