Duoguard Australia

Client: Stanwell Energy
Consultant ——
Contractor: Silver Raven
Date -2012

Asset Description

The Tarong Power Station is a coal fired power station located on a 1,500 hectares site in Tarong in the South Burnett Region near the Burnett River, in Queensland, Australia. The station has a maximum generating capacity of 1,400 megawatts, generated from four turbines. Coal is supplied via a conveyor from Meandu Mine, which is 1.5 kilometres away and is also owned by Stanwell.

The conveyor foundations of the power station showed significant signs of deterioration; elements were suffering from chloride Induced reinforcement corrosion. Originally the project was specified as an impressed current cathodic protection system, however due to the hazardous environment and problems associated with siting power supplies etc, the specification was changed to a Duoguard Hybrid System.


The Solution

The rehabilitation upgrade included a detailed condition assessment of the concrete elements, diagnostic testing was performed with the intention of maintaining the concrete element and structure for a minimum 15 years. The Duoguard Hybrid System is an innovative technology that arrests steel corrosion caused by chloride salts and carbonation typically within 7 days. The duoguard anodes were successfully used for trials on the power station in 2010 before the full installation in Autumn 2012.

The Benefits

The Duoguard anodes were used as both an impressed current and galvanic Anode. This systems major advantage is therefore the elimination of the need for permanent power supplies, ideal for locations where permanent power is difficult to provide and the budget for maintenance is limited.